Meet The Team

Oasis Psychology is based in Dorset and offers support to children and families throughout the UK, who have experienced developmental trauma and have attachment needs.

We work with Local Authorities, Adoption Agencies, Residential Homes, Fostering Agencies and Alternative Education Provision across the country to provide systemic support through reflective Practice, Superivision, Assessment and Training.

We are able to offer both face to face and online services.

Dr Laura Bennett
Clinical Psychologist

Hi, I’m Laura Bennett, a Clinical Psychologist with 17 years’ experience of working in the NHS.

When I was 17 I spent part of my summer volunteering on a project in Jersey, which allowed children from disadvantaged backgrounds to have a holiday, many for the first time. Each volunteer was assigned a child to mentor/befriend and the week was filled doing fun activities.

On that first holiday project I learnt so much about myself. I came home exhilarated, having loved the time I had spent with these damaged, yet amazing children. I didn’t know at the time, but many of these children had attachment needs and suffered with complex developmental trauma, but to me they were just children who needed a friend more than most.

I returned to Jersey every summer for another 6 years and when I had finished my psychology degree, I decided that I wanted to focus my career on working with children like those on that holiday project. I took a post as an assistant psychologist in a team for children in care and began the long path to becoming a Clinical Psychologist.

Throughout my training and career, my experiences in Jersey have always remained with me. I have since learnt a lot about attachment and trauma and now understand why the children in Jersey showed some behaviours that made no sense to me at the time! When I work with families, I still hold the passion and commitment I had on that first holiday in Jersey, just now I have a few more therapeutic techniques up my sleeve to help.

I still believe these are children who need a friend more than most and hope that the work I provide can help them find not only a friend but can help them to build long lasting nurturing relationships with people who care.

I understand that children who come to see me are frightened of the world and relationships and people who wish to get close to them; they are that small boy who hid under the table in Jersey when too many people wanted to say hi.

I understand that parents and carers are exhausted by the demands of caring for these children with all the demands they bring. I felt that exhaustion after just one week in Jersey, never mind years of caring and advocating for these children.

I understand the pressures of working with these families, in a system that is underfunded and under-resourced and know how frustrating it can be.

laura bennett - psychologist



In setting up Oasis Psychology my aim was to provide a service for children with trauma and attachment needs where children’s anxieties could be understood, where parents, carers and professionals' frustrations can be heard and which allows me to combine my knowledge and experience with my passion for working with this amazing group of children, to really try and make a difference to the lives of families.

Qualifications and Professional Training

Laura specialises in assessment, reflective practice and supervision, she also provides VIG with families.

Laura works from our Wimborne therapy rooms but has some availability to travel if needed and can also offer online appointments for carers and professionals.

Pip Eversden
Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

Pip Eversden Social Worker and Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

Hi, I’m Pip Eversden. I am a Social Worker with 10 years experience of working in Social Care and health. My interest and passion for supporting children and young people led me to start my journey in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy. I am trained in Level 1 & 2 DDP and have completed postgraduate training in psychological therapies for children and young people at Sussex University.

I am able to offer direct work with children and young people who have experienced developmental trauma, using the principles of DDP. By building safe and trusting relationships with children and young people, they are able to start to explore their feelings, thoughts and beliefs and make sense of their behaviours.

Through the therapeutic relationship, children and young people can start to connect and trust and the negative view they have of themselves can start to shift, opening them up to the possibility of nurturing and healing relationships. I really enjoy making sessions fun and engaging and relevant to the young person and I use a variety of creative resources to offer bespoke sessions.

I have a particular interest in working with older teenagers and care leavers who often need space and time to form relationships with people and I believe that DDP principles are particularly beneficial for connecting with this client group.

I have lived in Dorset most of my life and love living near the sea. Outside of work, I enjoy trying new things and recently had a go at Curling!


Qualifications and Professional Training

  • MA Social Work
  • DDP Level 1 & 2
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Low-Intensity Psychological Therapies for Children and Young People.
  • BUSS Level 1
  • Enhanced DBS
  • Registered with Social Work England Reg no SW99725

Pip usually works from our therapy room in Dorchester, however, she has some availability to travel for appointments if needed.

Dr Jo Coldwell
Clinical Psychologist

Hi, I’m Jo Coldwell and I’m a Clinical Psychologist. I’ve been working with children who have experienced trauma and their parents/carers and other important adults for over fifteen years, both in the NHS and in independent practice.

My training included lots of different models of therapy which I continue to draw on now, but it wasn’t until I first started working in a specialist CAMHS teams for children in foster care that I came across the models of attachment, developmental trauma and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) that I use in my work now and everything fell into place! The children, families and professionals that I’ve had the privilege of working with helped me grow my understanding of how best to use these ideas to truly undertand the needs of families.

I am passionate about supporting parents and carers – parenting in the modern world can be hard at the best of times, and parenting children who have experienced trauma can often feel confusing and exhausting, especially when you feel unsupported. Understanding what goes on for us as parents and carers in those tricky moments is also key, and I really enjoy coming alongside parents and carers to explore this further.

It is important to me to really think about what is going on “underneath the iceberg” of children’s behaviour -to understand the fears, anxieties and needs that often lead to behaviour that is confusing or difficult to respond to, and which all too often make it harder for children to get what they need most from the adults around them.

In my role at Oasis Psychology I offer online therapeutic parenting support. I work part time in a specialist NHS service so am available on Mondays and Wednesdays during school hours, although I can also offer evening or weekend sessions if needed.

Photo Jo C

Qualifications and Professional Training

  • Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
  • DDP Level 1& 2 trained and currently undertaking the Practicum to become certified.
  • HCPC registered no PYL04385
  • Enhanced DBS

Jo is based in East Sussex and therefore works solely online.

Sue Laurie
Therapeutic Parenting Coach

Hi, I am Sue Laurie and I have been a qualified Social Worker for 30 years. During that time I have worked in a variety of roles in Social Care, Health, Youth Justice, and  Education.

It is important to me that our vulnerable children are given the opportunities to meet their potential in all areas of their lives, that they can develop at their own pace and find a place in our world where they feel they belong.

Often, due to their early experiences, children do not feel safe enough to express how they are feeling verbally or may not have the emotional maturity or words to tell us what they need. Instead they use their behaviour, resulting in situations where families can feel overwhelmed, exhausted and have lost all paths of communcation.

We expect a huge amount from our parents and carers, who, without support or guidance, can often feel bewildered and at times helpless to guide or support their child. This is why more recently I have chosen to focus my career on suppoprting parents and carers to provide children with the best therapeutic care they can offer.

Outside of work I enjoy reading, walking my dog in the countryside, spending time socialising with family and friends and swimming.

Qualifications and Professional Training

  • BSc Hons in Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care
  • Post Graduate Qualification in Adolescents and Mental Health, Tavistock and Portman
  • DDP Level 1 & 2
  • Theraplay Level 1.
  • Enhanced DBS
  • Registration with Social Work England Reg no SW82127

Sue usually works from our therapy rooms in Wimborne but has some abailty to travel as well as capacity to offer online sessions, where appropriate.

Stef Samson
Executive Assistant

copy stef

Hi, my name is Stef, I work with the team at Oasis Psychology assisting the administrative running of the practice. I’m the person one who manages the diary, schedules appointments and keeps the team organised.

I have spent the majority of my working life within the care and education sector. With previous experience working in settings with children and young people who require additional emotional support to engage in learning in mainstream and special education settings. I have also worked with young adults to access the community independently and teach essential life skills.

In my previous roles I have liaised with a variety of multi-disciplinary teams, external agencies and have provided support to families and individuals from all backgrounds.

I’m currently studying at level 3 to become a counsellor, with the intention to return to working with vulnerable children and the support network who care for them.

Whilst I support my colleagues with the administration at Oasis Psychology, I’m given the opportunity to learn and increase my knowledge and skills in this sector. I’m proud to be working alongside professionals who take great care and pride in their work and to watch the company develop and grow.

In my spare time I like to be in nature and go for walks in the countryside, paddle board with my family or find a mountain to conquer. I’m a keen gardener and also enjoy being creative.

Get In Touch Today

If you are interested in learning more about the services we offer, please get in touch and we can arrange a free initial enquiry discussion. 

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