Specialist Psychological Assessments

At Oasis Psychology we offer several different assessments to support with the understanding of the child’s trauma and attachment needs and how these can be met therapeutically.

Initial Clinical Assessment

An initial assessment will be offered at the start of any ongoing therapeutic work, e.g. therapy or therapeutic parenting, to allow the Psychologist to gain an understanding of the child’s past experience and therapeutic needs.

A Clinical assessment will generally involve meeting with the child’s carers for a 1.5hr appointment and liaising with the wider professional group.

Information will be gathered about the child’s history, their current presentation and concerns that carers and professionals have. This will allow the Psychologist to formulate an understanding of the child and the system around the child to aid their intervention.

A feedback meeting and summary letter can be provided as part of the assessment process.


  • Initial Clinical Assessment (1hr appt, discussion with other professionals and report) from £350
Initial Clinical Assessment

Specialist Trauma and Attachment Assessment

Specialist Trauma and Attachment Assessment

Some children and young people can present with numerous and complex needs and finding an appropriate treatment plan can be challenging.

A specialist assessment allows families and professionals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the child and family’s psychological needs with specific focus on the impact of disrupted attachments and developmental trauma.

The assessment will explore the child’s early experiences, their journey through care and how these may be impacting upon their ability to form relationships with parents, carers or support staff.

In addition, assessments can also screen for neurodevelopmental difficulties, mental health difficulties, cognitive difficulties and specific trauma.

The assessment will include the completion of self-report questionnaires by carers and where appropriate, older children, observation and direct assessment with the child and the child and carer together and semi-structured interviews with carers and key professionals.

Where necessary neuropsychological assessments can be undertaken. A full report and feedback session will be provided with recommendations for treatment options.


Assessments from £2500. Plesae contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Placement Planning Clinical Assessment

It can be incredibly sad and at times bewildering to see a child bouncing from placement to placement with no clear understanding of why this may be happening.

At Oasis Psychology, I can provide an assessment of child’s emotional and psychological needs to help inform placement planning. This assessment would explore a child’s early experiences before entering the care system, an in-depth analysis of past placements and a full formulation of a child’s attachment needs in relation to their requirements for a placement. Where appropriate, it could also include a review of a potential placement, in order to ascertain whether this would be an appropriate math from an attachment focused perspective.

Assessments may be direct (involving observation and assessment with the child) or indirect (based on discussion with carers, social workers, health and education staff, without see the child) depending upon the appropriateness and the timescales of the assessment. All assessments will result in a full report and feedback session including recommendations for future placements.


Assessments from £3000. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

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Sibling Together or Apart Clinical Assessment

Sibling Together or Apart Clinical Assessment

Making the decision to separate siblings is an emotional and complex process requiring a high level of assessment. Whilst social workers are skilled in completing these assessments, at times the complexities of children’s attachment needs are such that a more detailed psychological assessment may be valuable.

A together or apart assessment involves exploring children’s early history, with focus on their sibling relationship and the roles they played within the family home, observations of siblings together and apart with and without their carers and completion of assessment measures to explore each child’s attachment needs and the relationship between them.

A full report and feedback session will be provided with recommendations for future care planning.

Please be aware that this assessment will not provide a definitive answer as to whether children should be separated but will instead give and understanding of the appropriateness or inappropriateness of their relationship and the impact upon the children in staying together or being placed apart.


Assessments from £3000. Please contact use to discuss your specific requirements.

Get In Touch Today

If you are interested in learning more about the services we offer, please get in touch and we can arrange a free initial enquiry discussion. 

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